Softball Bat: When I was 11, I bought this bat and started smacking the crap out of the ball. Due to it's green color, it was nicknamed the green goblin. It's always been my go to slugger and has made me confident in my athletic abilities. (Green Goblin)
Swedish Poster: The poster says "Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours” This quote has truly inspired me to be a more patient and calm person. (Less is More)
Stuffed Pengiun: My friend gave me Mumble, my stuffed animal--named after the Happy Feet penguin--for my birthday one year. I'll admit, I still sleep with him every night. He reminds me of how I'm still a child at heart. (Childhood Memory)
Harry Potter Poster: I'll admit, I have a slight obsession with the series by JK Rowling. I have posters hanging in my room, I've read the books countless times. I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter :) (Harry Potter)
Glasses: I didn't start wearing glasses until my freshman year of college. I had a nice pair, but there really wasn't much pizzaz to them, so I finally got a new pair and they're absolutely perfect! (Trendy Nerd)
Cut up Shirt: I've always loved the laid back, beach-y look so my mom finally came up with a name for my style. (Beach Hobo)
Snowboarding picture: If I could do anything in the world every day for the rest of my life, it would definitely be snowboarding. After I graduate, I'm planning on taking a year off and becoming an instructor out in Colorado. (Life's Joys)
Picture of my brother and me: Alex, my little, well not so little brother, is honestly one of my best friends. We're totally crazy when we're together. I love him to death and I wouldn't trade him for anything (Sibling Love)
Awkie Middle School Photo: My best friend in the whole wide world and one of my really good friends and I all had our picture taken right before the 8th grade dance. Needless to say, middle school was not our finest moment. (Friends Forever)
Family Photo: Every year, without fail, my family goes to Brookfield Zoo and has a picture taken with Santa. I love this tradition and I love that we're all still willing to go. (Family Traditions)